Monday, May 11, 2009

College Students Make Timely May 1 Decisions

One student favored City University of New York over Harvard and Columbia. Another chose Columbia over Cornell and University of Chicago. One student's first choice is another's safety school. To no surprise, according to this recent article, financial packages made a big impact on student's final choices of college. Students posted their responses on Facebook and bought on-line T-shirts to make the decision more permanent. It's the hardest choice students have made at the time, and many students waited until the last minute, May 1, to do so. If I can speak to any personal experience at Stanford and Brown - and having family, friends and colleagues graduate from city colleges, the UC system, and a wide array of small liberal arts schools - students will make what they want out of their college experience. You can have fun and be challenged at any school, depending on what you choose to do while you're there. Be it CUNY, Columbia, or a University of California school, take pride in your choice of college, and make the most of it. You have a fun and challenging time ahead.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the quality of a student's college experience depends primarily on what he orshe puts into it. You can have a terific experience at a State University and a poor one at Harvard, and vice versa. It is a function of the particular courses and professors one takes, the friends one makes and the attitude one has toward this very amazing life experience. While the "name schools" are appealing, what is most important is the energy you put into your college years.

Tutorpedia said...

I couldn't agree more.