Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Improv Comedy workshop starts this month!

Hurry! Space is limited for Tutorpedia's Improv Comedy workshop! Classes begin on July 26th

Ever wanted to be hilarious? Well, this is your chance! Veteran actor, writer-director and arts educator Joshua Williams is offering an Introduction to Improv Comedy workshop that's guaranteed to have you booked at Second City in no time. We'll start with the absolute basics -- character-creation and mime -- and work up towards full-fledged set pieces the likes of which can be seen on Who's Line Is It, Anyway?

Throughout, we will used an approach derived from the Theatre Games methodology pioneered by Viola Spolin -- which means our sessions will be zany, action-packed and fun! Whether you're an experienced performer or a total newbie -- if you love thinking on your feet and making people laugh, this is the class for you!

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