Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oprah Winfrey on "Waiting for Superman"

There's a bold new movie out, "Waiting for Superman", and it's getting lots of press. Time launched their cover story with the movie; The New York Times wrote an article last week; and now Oprah is talking to Bill Gates and Davis Guggenheim, the director of the movie, about this film and its message. And she gave $1 million to various charter schools, including Lionel Wilson Prep in Oakland, an Aspire public school, and Summit Prep High School, in Redwood City (full disclosure, and proud note: Tutorpedia and the Tutorpedia Foundation work with both schools).

We will be getting a group of tutors together to see this movie soon. I won't comment on it before then, but I want to see what the hype is about. Your thoughts?

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