Percentage of students of color in US public schools: 35
Percentage of teachers of color in US public schools: 15
Percentage of male teachers in US public schools: 16
Economic benefit, per student's lifetime earnings, of a good teacher: $20,000
Economic benefit, per class, of a good teacher: $400,000
Avg. starting, and ending, salary for US teachers: $37,000; $57,000
Percentage of teachers in US who leave the profession within 5 years: 45
Cost of teacher turnover, in dollars per year, to the US economy: $7,340,000,000
Percentage of teachers in S. Korea, Singapore, and Finland, respectively, who leave the profession each year: 1, 2, 3
Rank of student achievement in S. Korea, Singapore, and Finland, respectively: 1, 2, 3
Percentage of teachers of color in US public schools: 15
Percentage of male teachers in US public schools: 16
Economic benefit, per student's lifetime earnings, of a good teacher: $20,000
Economic benefit, per class, of a good teacher: $400,000
Avg. starting, and ending, salary for US teachers: $37,000; $57,000
Percentage of teachers in US who leave the profession within 5 years: 45
Cost of teacher turnover, in dollars per year, to the US economy: $7,340,000,000
Percentage of teachers in S. Korea, Singapore, and Finland, respectively, who leave the profession each year: 1, 2, 3
Rank of student achievement in S. Korea, Singapore, and Finland, respectively: 1, 2, 3
The movie is screening again November 21st at The Roxie in San Francisco, and I encourage all who care deeply about our students, our education system, and our future, to watch it. You may just want to join the conversation, and become a teacher yourself.
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