Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tutorpedia Foundation event a success!

Thanks for joining us last Wednesday at For the Love of Education: A Conversation on Personalized Education! The energy at 111 Minna was truly inspiring and we enjoyed engaging members of the community in our discussion. Thanks to you, we were able to raise more than $13,000! This will help us provide 1-on-1 tutoring for students in need, regardless of their ability to pay.

We appreciate your support and dedication to our mission!

group photo  

A special shout out to our panelists Kyle Beckham, Linda Darling-Hammond, Ninive Calegari, and Alan Lowenthal (pictured below from left to right, with Executive Director Seth Linden)!

Panel photo

The auction and raffle were a big success. Four lucky raffle winners were able to walk away with a 16GB iPad 2, dinner for 2 at Chez Panisse, a gift card to Samovar Tea Lounge, and Four Barrel Coffee.

For a full list of our auction items, click here.

For more photos, see our album on our Facebook Page

Let us know what your favorite highlights of the event were in the comments section! We'd love to hear from you!

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