Monday, January 7, 2013

Use Your PSAT Results to Jumpstart SAT Prep!

If your child took the PSAT in October, you probably recently received your PSAT results. Now, with the SAT ahead of you, you may be wondering how to use those PSAT results to prepare your child as thoroughly as possible for the upcoming SAT. 

According to the College Board, in 2012, the average score for eleventh graders was about 48 in Critical Reading, 48 in Mathematics, and 46 in Writing Skills. The average score for tenth graders was about 43 in Critical Reading, 43 in Mathematics, and 41 in Writing Skills. While the PSAT score is a helpful indicator of a student's performance, it is not a 100% accurate predictor for how the student will do on the SAT. There is always room for improvement! Check out the presentation below to learn how to use your PSAT results to drive focused, effective SAT prep.

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